Elderly woman crashes through own garage wall at Vaucluse

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Nelson Mandela Achievement

  • finish his degree and qualified as a Lawyer
  • opened the first black law in south Africa
  • helped found the ANC Youth League
  •  Conducting their own defence they eventually proved to be victorious
  • He helped to keep other Men’s spirits high and never compromised his political principles when offered earlt release
  • Although negotiations were painfully slow and difficult, they eventually led to Mandela’s release in 1990. It was an emotional moment watched by millions around the globe
  • Since retiring from office Nelson Mandela has continued to be an international figure of great stature
  • In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly with F.W. De Klerk

Nelson Mandela Turning Points

  •  his father died he becoming chief of his local tribe.
  •  became increasingly aware of the unjust nature
  •   became involved in politics  much to the  disappointment of      his family
  •  resign from the ANC and work underground. Conducting their own defenc
  • In the late 50s (56 รข€’61) there was an extremely lengthy Treason 
  • the government banned the ANC
  •  he arrested and sentenced in the Robben Island prison
  •  autobiographyMandela
  • - elected State President of South Africa
  • Nelson Mandela recently lost his eldest son to this disease and Mandela has worked hard to campaign on this issue.)
  • awarded the Nobel Peace Priz

Friday 7 August 2015

1902 -  born at Hermannsburg (Ntaria)

1905 -  the family was received into the Lutheran Church: Elea (who was given the name Albert)

1923 -  shifted to Hermannsburg

1936 -  accompanied Battarbee 

1938 two men went on an expedition, during which Battarbee taught him photography

1944 - included in Who's Who in Australia

1953 -  awarded the Queen's Coronation Medal

1954 -  elected an honorary member of the Royal Art Society of New South Wales 

1955 - 

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Nelson Mandela Timeline

1918 - born at Qunu, near Umtata 

1944 -  helped found the ANC Youth League

1949 -  adopted by the ANC 

1952 - they opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa

1952 -  Defiance Campaign and later acts of sabotage

1960 -  Sharpeville massacre of 63 black South African’s                              changed the whole political climate

1962 -   arrested and sentenced at Robben Island prison 

1990 - release from prison 

1994 - elected a President of South Africa 

1999 - finished his president 

1993 - awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly

2013 - he was dead

Fred Hollows Timeline

1929  -   born in New Zealand
1960  -  got a job in Australia

1970's - helped launching a national program to attack eye 

             disease in Aboriginal Australia

1980 -  travelling all over the world to help set up 

eye health programs in developing countries

1989 -  diagnosed with cancer

1993 -  died at home surrounded by his friends

Tuesday 21 July 2015

I'm student in EFS class . I'm very happy in my class my teacher are very good and handsome and very friendly .I have very good friend in my class . I will do my best to improve my English writing and reading and spoken.